The First Pillow
A Second
A Beautiful Bag Was Made Too!
The Cutest Quilt In The World!
A Little Hand Embroidery Makes It Better
I am presently bartering ukulele lessons for sewing lessons. My student started with a small quilt style pillow in which I cut the squares and helped her along. The first pillow is that cute green number!
The next week, another pillow was in order for a gift. This time, she did nearly all of the work herself with only moderate supervision. The company is nice too. Like a Sewing Circle.
All of that sewing inspired me. I pulled out some cute Liberty of London fabric I have been saving, clearly for this project...I stitched this quick baby quilt. It came together like a breeze. I took this as sign that this will be a good, well behaved babykins. I wasn't too worried about perfection in this case, as it will have lots of spit up and the like on it. I wanted the new mama to be able to throw it into the washer and not have to be too fussy about it. I like it. I think it came out really cute.
What a lovely (new to me) blog! I hope you are well, dear friend. I see you have not posted in nearly a year, but as I am in a similar boat, I hold out hope that you are well, just busy with life. If you don't mind, please let me know how you are? I haven't been in blogland much, but your posts are always a joy… beautiful artistry and words. xo xo xo